Amplitude Modulation. This is a low-frequency signal as we have seen earlier. The technology is used in telecommunications, radio broadcasting, signal processing, and computing.. In other words, the modulating signal swings far enough positive to double the peak-to-peak amplitude of the carrier, and far enough negative to reduce the peak-to-peak amplitude of the carrier to 0. Equation-1 and Equation-2 are used for these AM modulation calculators. The formula for Carrier power, P c = is. and the other can be represented by a cosine wave (i.e. An approximate formula for calculation of signal-to-noise ratio of an arbitrary sigma-delta modulator (SDM) has been proposed. Modulation is the process by which information is encoded from a message source in order to optimize it for transmission. In the graph below, the FM deviation has been selected as 425 kHz. The phase of the modulation p m at a modulation frequency of f m is p m = f m t, where f m is a simple sinuosoid. The modulating signal is a normalized binary waveform where a Transmitted vs. of the carrier amplitude varies in accordance with the amplitUde variations of the modulating signal. The signal is said to be overmodulatedwhen µ > 1. The modulating signal is used to alter the amplitude of the carrier in proportion to the amplitude of the modulating signal. When studying and testing analog modulation schemes, it is convenient to use a sinusoid as the message signal. Frequency Modulation Formula. to directly vary the frequency of a carrier signal. This wave has to be modulated. The modulation index is a measure of radian phase shift of the modulated FM signal compared to the phase of the un-modulated carrier alone. to directly vary the frequency of a carrier signal. Modulation, the process in which the carrier signal is varied according to the information bearing signal also called the modulating signal. " The transmitted . μ = A m A c. Substitute, A m and A c values in the above formula. For the carrier signal set a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 100kHz and an amplitude of 1V. An imaginary line joining the peaks of the modulated carrier waveform, called the envelope, is the same shape as the modulating signal with the zero reference ]ine coinciding with the peak value of the unmodulated carrier. angle-modulated signal. f exists above the maximum modulation frequency M, the general formula becomes: B n 2f p 2 DK In the case where the modulation index of the main carrier produced by the pilot is less than 0.25, and the r.m.s. Let fm be the highest frequency in the **modulating** signal.

Amplitude of modulating signal is the input signal that contains the information to be transmitted in amplitude modulation is calculated using amplitude_of_modulating_signal = (Maximum amplitude-Minimum amplitude)/2.To calculate Amplitude of Modulating Signal, you need Maximum amplitude (A max) and Minimum amplitude (A min).With our tool, you need to enter the respective value for Maximum . Answer: Bandwidth of PCM signal depends on the bit rate and the pulse shape. So, for complex calculations, you divide the value of the desired signal by the amount of the noise and then take the common logarithm of the result, i.e., log (S ÷ N).

When m is greater than 1, severe distortion results into the modulated waveform.

According to the standard definition, "The amplitude of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.". Our approach for signal-to-noise ratio computation does not require modulator modeling and simulation. Upper and Lower Sidebands 2. This condition results when Vm is greater than Vc and it is . A continuous-wave goes on continuously without any intervals and it is the baseband message signal, which contains the information.

6. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Z c S d (Z) Z Z c 2 1 B Z c B Z Zc B Z c Demodulation: S (t) m(t) s2 (t) m Z c [ ( ) ( ) cos(2 )] 2 1 We see that a low-frequency signal in frequency range 0 • fs • fmax (baseband signal) can be transmitted as a signal in the frequency range fc ¡fmax • f • fc ¡fmax ("RF" (radio frequency) signal). ).. • For tone modulation: Modulation index, b = Df/ f m • BW = 2(k f A m + f m) • PM: • For tone modulation: Modulation index, b = k p A m • BW = 2(k p A m +1)f m • Increasing frequency has a more profound effect on the BW of PM 10/14/08 21 Amplitude modulation based solved problems are covered in this video lecture. For a frequency deviation of 100 KHz, calculate the carrier swing of the FM signal. ⁡. This is also called an input signal or baseband signal (Speech for example). Now look at the formula below (taken from that picture): -. An approximate formula for calculation of signal-to-noise ratio of an arbitrary sigma-delta modulator (SDM) has been proposed. Relationship of carrier freq and signal bandwidth. For FSK modulation this formula approximately gives the real occupied bandwidth of the signal, for GFSK modulation the bandwidth also depends on the value of the B*T factor of the Gaussian filter. Suppose, after PM, the equation of the carrier is represented as: e = E c Sin θ -----(3) Where θ, is the instantaneous phase of the modulated carrier, and sinusoid ally varies in proportion to the modulating signal. If EA is one-half ER, the carrier is modulated only 50 percent (fig. Am stands for the amplitude of the modulating signal. Hence, it is used to modulate a high frequency carrier wave and the modulated wave is transmitted. by George Lungu - Some time back when I first attempted to model a PLL, I needed to use the FM signal from the output of the VCO in my numerical setup. AM waves are divided into ordinary AM waves, double-sideband AM waves with suppressed carrier transmission and single-sideband AM waves . As the channel offers very high losses to low frequencies, transmitting a message signal directly decreases the range drastically. The signal content that lies in the frequency domain below is the lower sideband.

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UExample 5.1 : (a) Estimate B FM and B PM for the modulating signal m(t) for k f = 2π×10 5 and k p = 5π . Another analog modulation technique is frequency modulation (FM) 9 Definition: Phase modulation is another type of angle modulation in which the phase of the carrier wave is changed according to the amplitude (magnitude) of the message (modulating) signal..

Following equation mentions relation between total power of AM modulated waveform, carrier signal power and side band signal power. So your modulation signal amplitude (instantaneous) defines the value of d hence it defines the spectrum of the resulting PWM signal. Message Power in s(t) The transmitted signal can be expressed as s(t) = Ac cosωct+0.5Acµcos(ωc +ωm)t +0.5Acµcos(ωc −ωm)t • The first term is a sinusoid at the carrier 9.19 d. A simple method to achieve FM is to vary the capacitance of a resonant LC . The instantaneous This technique was established in the 20th century by Landell de Moura and Reginald Fessenden when they were conducting experiments using a radiotelephone. L = number of bits per signal element M R L R D log 2 == This is how we can transmit more bits in the same medium! Evaluation of modulation Index Using Trapezoidal Display.

l AM systems usually occupy less bandwidth then FM First, keep in mind that the peak value of the carrier is the reference point for the modulating signal; the value of the modulating signal is added to or subtracted from the peak value of the carrier. The fixed kp value phase sensitivity factor of the modulator, communicated in radians/volt and m(t) is the voltage signal. Ans.

Frequency modulation (FM) is the encoding of information in a carrier wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. It is often called AM and is commonly used in transmitting a piece of information through a radio carrier wave. In both cases the transmission bandwidth (B T) is occupied by the upper sideband (USB) and lower sideband (LSB). This condition results when Vm is greater than Vc and it is . Polar View of Digital I/Q Modulation (cont'd) Transmission signal is sine wave at frequency f 0 with information encoded in discrete values of amplitude and phase. The term 2πfct expresses to the un-modulated carrier angle Øc set to '0' in the phase modulation. 25. Amplitude Modulation. Using B*T = 0.5 for 2GFSK modulation, the occupied bandwidth will be always smaller than for general 2FSK modulation. Calculate the percentage modulation index using the. On Channel 2 set the same parameters as for the modulating signal. × × × × 45° i o 2 +q o 2 Q I 4 QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Given i o =q o =1 y t (t) = 2 θ(t) can have 4 values 45°,135°, −45°, −135° i t(t) q t(t) 2cos(2πf . While in case of digital signal there exist an abrupt change in the phase of the carrier signal. Example: We can support a data rate of 9600 bps Using 2400 baud rate if M = 16, L = 4 using a complex modulation scheme!

Frequency modulation (FM) In frequency modulation, the frequency rather than the amplitude of the carrier wave is made to vary in proportion to the varying amplitude of the modulating signal, as shown in Fig. One signal is called the in-phase "I" signal, and the other is called the quadrature "Q" signal. For example, you measure a radio signal with a strength of -10 dB and a noise signal of -50 dB. We see that a low-frequency signal in frequency range 0 • fs • fmax (baseband signal) can be transmitted as a signal in the frequency range fc ¡fmax • f • fc ¡fmax ("RF" (radio frequency) signal). t 1 pT t T Let b t denote the data waveform consisting of an infinite sequence of pulses of duration T VI-3 and height 1. b l t ∞ ∞ b lpT t lT b 1 1! Modulated signal Demodulated Signal Modulating carrier S m(t) Lowpass Filter 1.

Values for the carrier signal and the modulating signal can be used in a formula to express the complete modulated wave. The formula of frequency modulation is -. Amplitude modulation is a process by which the wave signal is transmitted by modulating the amplitude of the signal. The set up for evaluating the modulation index using trapezoidal display has been shown in fig.3(a) and the corresponding waveforms have been shown in fig 3(b). Amplitude modulation is considered to be a process in which the wave signals are transmitted by modulating the amplitude of the signal. In my naivety I first tried to use the straight formula of phase function of frequency [Phase(time)=2*pi*freq.

Modulation Index (m f) •An FM modulated signal can be expressed as: e(t) = E c sin (w c t + m f sin w i t) where: -E c: carrier amplitude -w c: carrier frequency -w i: intelligence angular velocity -m f: modulation index •The modulation index is defined as: m f = δ/ f i Where: -δ : frequency deviation -f i: intelligence frequency

m = Vm/Vc. The modulation index should be a number between 0 and 1. Modulation index, β, is used to describe the ratio of maximum frequency deviation of the carrier to the maximum frequency deviation of the modulating signal. or some other digital circuit. T he classic definition of FM is that the instantaneous output frequency of a transmitter is varied in accordance with the modulating signal. Example Commercial FM signals use a peak frequency deviation of ∆f = 75 kHz and a maximum It is often asked question in the VIVA also.

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