Both their head and body are white, with yellow bills, grey wings, and black legs. Distinctive Identification Characteristics: This spherical-shaped bird has a black head and bib. The adult male Common Pheasant of the nominate subspecies has a long brown streaked black tail. It has a black tail with white outer tail feathers and white crescents beneath its eyes. Genus. Two forms occur in Washington: the Red-shafted, and less commonly, the Yellow-shafted. dusky flycatchers The male’s bright golden yellow head and breast contrast sharply with the large black bill and eyes, soft blue-gray wings, and white undertail. The adult birds are about 155 millimeters (6 inches) long. While the males have an orange-colored head, the females and their younger ones have a yellow head. The flight feathers are black. Difficult to distinguish from Tropical Kingbird. They have blue-grey feathers above and long skinny legs below. These birds breed in much of North America, including the majority of the United States and a good portion of Canada. 33-43) With brush tipped tongue, often dull olive-grey with downcurved bill. Both forms have pink bill and dark gray tail with white outer tail feathers conspicuous in flight. Barn swallows are darty, acrobatic birds that are dark blue-black on the upperparts and face, and a rich cinnamon color on the chin, neck, and belly. The plumage below is cinnamon brown. Both sexes are alike but male is usually slightly larger. They have a subspecies, the Red-legged Kittiwakes, who are similar to them with an exception to their legs. If you have found your bird, please … Gray-headed Fish-Eagle has bold black terminal band on tail; Lesser Fish-Eagle has indistinct band on a white tipped tail. Anna’s Hummingbird Plumage / Description: Male have a deep magenta-red iridescent color that encompasses the whole head, both above and below the beak. 4. The back has scattered black stripes. Its head and upperparts are black with large white patches on its wings. Wings and tail are gray-black; tail has thin white tip. The back has scattered black stripes. 5. 6. In the adult male the cap and a band on the upper mantle are black. Scientific Name: Poecile Carolinensis. Gray-headed Fish-Eagle is larger than Lesser Fish-Eagle. Female w/o red on head. Red-headed Woodpeckers can be attracted with suet feeders and fruit. Mature male House Sparrows (top left) have gray heads and black bibs. The tail is black with... Read more > White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus) The White-tailed Hawk has gray head and back, white underside and reddish patch on the shoulder. Dark-eyed Junco: Medium-sized sparrow with considerable geographic color variation, although all exhibit a pink bill, dark eyes, white belly, and dark-centered tail with white outer feathers. It feeds on insects, plants and mollusks. There is a broad, black band across the upper chest. The wing coverts and flight feathers are blackish with paler fringes. Feeds mostly on insects and their larvae, spiders, berries and fruits. The flight feathers are black. Juncos are small, dark gray birds with white bellies. A staple of the American West, this large bird is hard to miss with its black head and back, white breast, long tail, and iridescent feathers. It is a very dark grey to black, with black plumage, black legs, black bill and yellow legs....more. The contrast of the blue and rufous against each other makes for a beautiful bird. Common Birds: Black and White or Gray and White Birds. Brown-headed Cowbird . Its undersides are light colored with dark spots at the wrists and a tail with a white base and dark banded tip. Couch's Kingbird: Large flycatcher, olive-green upperparts, gray head, dark eye patch, white throat, bright yellow underparts. Redhead. When not nesting, the Dark-eyed junco might be seen nearly anywhere in the state. It is a regular visitor to … The Redhead duck has a reddish-brown head, black breast and tail, and grey body. This dark gray bird has a black head and neck and white feathers on the flanks and under tail coverts, a very distinctive red frontal shield; bill tip is yellow with a red base, and the legs and feet are greenish, without lobes. Thornbills/Gerygones (pp. It has yellow under the wings at the front which unfortunately can only be seen … Black Vulture. All Northern Harriers have a white rump patch that is obvious in flight. The flight feathers of Red-shafted Flickers have reddish-orange shafts, and their wings and tail are reddish-orange below. Female grayish white with darker head and neck. Forages in thickets, trees and shrubs for insects, their eggs and larvae. They are fierce defenders of their territory and will even remove or puncture the eggs of other species’ nests. Chordeiles minor What does it eat?

Female has gray-brown upperparts, white underparts with brown streaks, and … Black-throated Sparrow: Medium sparrow, gray-brown upperparts, white underparts, black bib. A Habitat is where an animal is usually found Did you see the bird in the The tertials are often marked with pale gray and black. It is about 4.7-5.9 inches long and weighs 0.5-0.8 ounces, making it one of the smallest birds in North America (excluding hummingbirds). Similar to: Nelson's Sparrow, Saltmarsh Sparrow. Redhead. Swift direct flight on rapid wing beats. Belly is white to orange. Oregon form has black hood, … The Black-headed Grosbeak Approximate length: 18-19 cm or 6-1/2 to 7-3/4 inches in length and is similar in size to a starling.

Its head and upperparts are black with large white patches on its wings.

They have grey underparts and plumage, with one essential difference between the sexes. Black tail. Length bill tip to tail tip: 7-1/4 inches. Black-Chinned Hummingbird. Long, round-tipped tail is edged with white. Eastern male ("Slate-colored Junco") is dark slate-gray on head, upper breast, flanks, and upperparts, with white lower breast and belly. The adult female is grey with a pale throat and fine streaking on the underparts. Ring-necked Duck. Deeply forked, long tail. Black-necked Crane: The Black-necked Crane has a mainly whitish-grey body with a black head and upper neck, a small red patch on the crown above the eye, a small white patch at the back of the eye, a black tail, black primary and secondary wing feathers, and black legs and feet. Adobe brown head; black & white banded back. Nonbreeding male has duller sides of head, two distinct wingbars. Eastern all black Bluebird Northern gray body Cardinal black lores white wingbars Great Egret crown & throat black cheeks white American dark brown body Crow white head & tail Bald Eagle mostly blue. Conservation: Maintain areas of open woodland and grassland and avoid activities that disturb ground nests (Mar.–Aug. Whitish breast with dark central spot. The gray catbird is medium to dark gray, has a black cap on head, and has a range that includes Illinois and … Carolina Chickadee is a cute small bird with the black head that comes from the Paridae family. The black-throated gray warbler or black-throated grey warbler (Setophaga nigrescens) is a passerine bird of the New World warbler family Parulidae. It also has black wings and tail with prominent white patches. The Indigo Bunting is a small, blue bird that can be found in the Eastern United States. You can view more detail on a particular bird by clicking the photo or by clicking the "View Detail" button. Young birds lack the white head and tail, and resemble adult Golden Eagles, but are variably marked with white and have a black, more massive bill. It is gray-brown overall, with a large head, a short neck, a long tail, and a short stubby bill. The fork-tailed drongo is a medium sized bird at 25 cm in length, including the tail. Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana Turdidae (thrushes) • Medium‐sized songbird with a large, round head. "Black-eared" Bushtits also have a dark ear patch (the auriculars). There is a broad, black band across the upper chest. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher: Small, flycatcher-like perching bird, blue-gray upperparts, white underparts, prominent white eye-ring. Plumage/Description: Male plumage is a brightly orange/red colored breast and belly, with gray wings, back, tail. Similar to: Common Black-Hawk. It is 13 cm (5.1 in) long and has gray and white plumage with black markings. Note long, slim wings and tail, and small head. Slate-colored form is slate-gray overall with darker head. 6. American Kestrel: Note pale underside with orangey chest, black spots on belly two black “sideburns” on head, and blue upperwing coverts, orange tail with black tip. Females have the same impressive plumage as … Two forms occur in Washington: the Red-shafted, and less commonly, the Yellow-shafted. The male's bill is red with a black tip; the female's bill is dark (blackish) The Olive Warblers are medium-sized birds with long wings. The Black-legged Kittiwakes are coastal birds that are found across the northern coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. Tail black on underside. Look For With its distinctive gray “light bulb head” and shorter, broader wings, the black vulture can easily be distinguished from the longer-winged, more graceful turkey vulture. body, long legs, and fairly long tail. It has dark eyes, except that adult females have yellow eyes. Females have the same impressive plumage as the males… Read more They are insectivores who mainly feed on insects and other arthropods. The tail is white with a black band near the tip. White outer tail feathers. It is a distinctive bird with its gray back, head, and breast, its white throat, and its bright-yellow belly. The gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), also spelled grey catbird, is a medium-sized North American and Central American perching bird of the mimid family. It is the only member of the catbird genus Dumetella. It is 13 cm (5.1 in) long and has gray and white plumage with black markings. The adult male is mainly iridescent black with a brown head. The bill is dark gray or black. Redhead. Everywhere: Belted Kingfisher: Ceryle alcyon: More gray, large head, larger overall, bushy crest, white throat and underparts, large dagger-like bill, male has blue-gray breast band. Adults are a pale gray overall, but have a white head that includes a small patch of gray at the back. Blue Jay The Oregon junco breeds in forest habitats from southern Alaska down to Baja California and east to Nevada. Belly is white to orange.

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